, The plural 'quiénes' would have a weak semantics, equivalent to 'which people' in English, and the plurality inference would arise by the competition with 'quién' SG in the relevant contexts. As long as this inference is an implicated presupposition, quiénesinterrogatives should be available whenever the singular alternative is not, namely in both more-than-one and ignorance scenarios. Hence, the distribution of 'quiénes' should be strictly 10. STRONG PLURALITY AND D-LINKING IN SPANISH INTERROGATIVES COMMON GROUND Exactly one person VP At least one person VP More than one person VP Which, that ranges only over atoms ( 'quién' SG ), and one that is neutral to semantic number

, Cuál/Qué persona VP? (SP) Cuáles/Qué personas VP? (SP)

V. P. Who, ) Quién VP? (SP) Quiénes VP? (SP)

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