, AKE authenticated key exchange. 2, 8, 58, vol.85, p.86

, CDH computationnal Diffie-Hellman, vol.10, p.79

, CRS common reference string, vol.18, p.48

, CS commitment scheme, vol.12, p.83

. Ddh-decisional-diffie-hellman, , vol.10, p.77

, ECC error-correcting code

E. , existencially unforgeable under adaptive chosen message attack. 40 fPAKE fuzzy password authenticated key exchange, vol.48, p.91

, HAKE human authenticated key exchange. x, 4, 11, vol.49, p.91

, HCFF human-compatible function family. x, vol.66, p.87

, IC ideal cipher, vol.10, p.74

, IND-CPA indistinguishability under chosen plaintext attacks, p.15

, liPAKE labeled implicit-only password authenticated key exchange. 5, 22, 23, 39, 42, 48 MDS maximum distance separable, p.40

, PKI public-key infrastructure, vol.2, p.86

, RO random oracle, vol.18, p.48

, RP-CSP random planted constraint satisfiability problem, vol.54, p.56

, RSS robust secret sharing. 3-5, vol.46, pp.38-41

, UC universal composability. ix, vol.3, p.91

. .. , Ideal Functionality F H pake for PAKE (recalled from [CHK+05])

. .. , Ideal Functionality F pake for PAKE (simplified from F H pake ), p.10

F. Functionality and . .. Crs,

F. Functionality and . .. Ro,

F. Functionality and . .. Ic,

. .. Functionality-f-ipake,

. .. Functionality-f-lipake,

E. Protocol, with a hash function H : {0, 1} ? ×{0, 1} ? ×G ? {0, 1} ? and a symmetric cipher E : G ? {0, 1} ? , D : {0, 1} * ? G for keys in P

. , Game G 1 (right), showing a setting where P 1?i is corrupted

, The Simulator S for the EKE2 Protocol indistinguishability from F liPAKE, vol.34

.. .. Ideal-functionality-f-fpake-for-fpake,

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, A First Natural Construction (with code-offset fuzzy sketch and PAKE), p.38

. , Game G 1 (right), showing a setting where both parties are honest

T. Simulator and .. .. ,

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