, Instructions for completing the application form for assistance from PCIRO, AN, vol.43, p.25, 1947.

A. Grossmann, G. Jews, and A. , Close Encounters in Occupied Germany, 2009.

, ITS,, Z5111, CM/1 and CM/2 Forms for Szlama Zyngel

, ?IH, 303/5/425, Card for Naftal Cyngiel n°29490

L. Lewinsky, Paradise Lost? Postwar Memory of Polish Jewish Survival in the Soviet Union, vol.24, pp.373-399, 2010.

, Shelter from the Holocaust. Rethinking Jewish Survival in the Soviet Union, 2017.

, Pourquoi si peu de Juifs ont survécu, pourquoi nous devons chiffrer le nombre de victimes ? [Why Did So Few Jews Survive and Why Do We Have to Put a Figure on the Number of Victims?, For an overview of this issue and some of the different perspectives on it, pp.69-84, 2018.

L. Amis-de-lubartów and H. Levertov, , pp.47-48

, Lublin Jewish Committee repatriation list. By whom exactly Naftal was repatriated is not clear, although the fact that it was to Lublin limits the possibilities to either Soviet authorities or pro-Soviet Polish authorities

, Register of Jewish Survivors. List of Jews in Poland (58,000 Names), 1946.

P. Jokusch/lewinsky and . Lost, , p.383

, Markus Nesselrodt nevertheless emphasised how their experiences in the Soviet Union, far from having been totally hidden, circulated within the displaced Jewish population through accounts, testimonies, newspapers, and literature, especially in Yiddish. The overwhelming emphasis on the Holocaust appears to be something of a public projection, indeed a matter above all for public commemorations: Markus Nesselrodt, "I Bled Like You Brother, Although I Was a Thousand Miles Away, Postwar Yiddish Sources on the Experiences of Polish Jews in Soviet Exile during World War II, vol.46, pp.47-67, 2016.

, Post-Holocaust Migrations from Poland to America. An Exercise in Microhistory, S:I.M.O.N. -Shoah: Intervention. Methods. Documentation. 7 (2020), vol.1, pp.13-25

S. M. Shoah, is the semi-annual open access e-journal of the Vienna Wiesenthal Institute for Holocaust Studies (VWI) in English and German, Intervention. Methods. DocumentatiON, 2020.

, This article is licensed under the following Creative Commons License: CC-BY-NC-ND

, Different places crossed by the Cyngel family during their transit in Germany: Sources: Arolsen Archives

D. P. Summary, Population -PC IRO Assembly Centers United States Zone

D. P. Summary, Population -IRO Assembly Centers United States Zone

D. P. Summary, Population -IRO Assembly Centers United States Zone

D. P. Summary, Population -IRO Assembly Centers United States Zone, 19/07/1950. Summary of D.P. Population -IRO Assembly Centers United States Zone

D. P. Summary, Population -IRO Assembly Centers United States Zone